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Monday June 24th 2024
Orientación de Bienvenida Time 10:00 AM Location Main Campus

Estamos encantados de darle la bienvenida a Cancer Support Community Arizona. Nuestra Reunión de Orientación para nuevos participantes está abierta a todas las personas afectadas por el cáncer y/o alguien cercano a ellos. Nuestra orientación se llevará a cabo en vivo en línea y contendrá información sobre nuestras opciones de programas, así como clases, eventos y talleres gratuitos. En esta sesión, discutiremos cómo comenzar con varios de los programas disponibles para usted y su familia.


Cancer Support Community Arizona está cambiando este programa para que se celebre solo a través de Zoom, que es una plataforma virtual / en línea que es GRATUITA y accesible para usted a través de cualquier teléfono inteligente, computadora portátil, computadora de escritorio o tableta. Para acceder al enlace de Zoom, regístrese aquí y se le enviará por correo electrónico la información de inicio de session Si tiene preguntas, comuníquese con un miembro de nuestro personal directamente al (602) 712-1006 o

If you are a member, login to access this event. Info & Registration
Strength & Balance Time 12:00 PM

Learn simple strength and balance exercises with appropriate modifications for anyone at any level in this class. This is a live class with a virtual Instructor.

This program is being offered to you via Zoom only, which is a virtual/online platform that is FREE and accessible with any smartphone, laptop, desktop, or tablet. To access the Zoom link, please register here and login information will be sent to you with your confirmation email. You will also receive a reminder email the morning of the program with the same information.

For any questions, please contact a member of our staff directly at (602) 712-1006 or Thank you.

If you are a member, login to access this event. Info & Registration
People Living with Cancer Support Group - Mondays Time 1:00 PM

This support group is open to anyone with a current or recent cancer diagnosis. In this group, we will provide a safe space to explore what cancer means in your life and in return you will find a community of individuals who will stand with you and who understand your story because they have lived it. The primary focus of this group is to support your emotional and social needs as we strive to be there for one another throughout the challenges of cancer.

A brief interview is required to determine appropriate group placement. Please call (602) 712-1006 or email to schedule the interview before registering.

This program is being offered to you via Zoom only, which is a virtual/online platform that is FREE and accessible with any smartphone, laptop, desktop, or tablet. To access the Zoom link, after completing your interview, please register here and login information will be sent to you with your confirmation email after registering. You will also receive a reminder email the morning of the program with the same information.

For any questions, please contact a member of our staff directly at (602) 712-1006 or  Thank you.

If you are a member, login to access this event. Info & Registration
Men's Support Group Time 4:15 PM

This support group is designed for men only and is opened to those who have a current or recent cancer diagnosis. In this group, we will provide a safe space to explore what cancer means in your life and in return you will find a community of men who will stand beside you and who understand your story because they have lived it. The primary focus of this group is to support your emotional and social needs as we strive to be there for one another throughout the challenges of cancer.

A brief interview is required to determine appropriate group placement. Please call (602) 712-1006 or email to schedule the interview before registering.

This program is being offered to you via Zoom only, which is a virtual/online platform that is FREE and accessible with any smartphone, laptop, desktop, or tablet. To access the Zoom link, after completing your interview, please register here and login information will be sent to you with your confirmation email after registering. You will also receive a reminder email the morning of the program with the same information.

For any questions, please contact a member of our staff directly at (602) 712-1006 or 

If you are a member, login to access this event. Info & Registration