Over 2,000 individuals supported every year.
Central Arizona
Northern Arizona
Programa Latino
Programs for Everyone
Help people impacted by cancer find support, education, and hope.
100% of the funds CSCAZ needs are provided by donors like you.
You can help people impacted by cancer find support, education and hope by supporting Cancer Support Community Arizona. Your donation allows us to provide our programs at no charge to participants, their loved ones and caregivers statewide.
Please consider making a monthly donation to support our work throughout the year. Set it up once to charge your credit card and become an ongoing part of our mission. You can cancel at any time.
Contributions to Cancer Support Community Arizona are tax-deductible to the extent allowable by law. Our Federal Tax ID # is 86-0897810. Under the Arizona Charitable Tax Credit Law (ARS43-1088), as a Qualifying Charitable Organization, you can receive a dollar-for-dollar tax credit against your AZ state tax liability; up to $470 for single filers and $938 for married/ filing jointly in 2024. For the 2025 tax year, taxpayers filing as “single” and “head of household” status may claim a maximum credit of $495. Taxpayers filing as “married filing joint” may claim a maximum credit of $987. Our QCO code is 20821.
If you are already registered, you may optionally login to have your information auto-fill and ensure correct attribution to your account.
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